basics of birding

  • Birding in Bhubaneswar

    Birding in Bhubaneswar

    From Kolkata to Bhubaneswar : My close friends know that I had to move from Kolkata to Bhubaneswar to pursue Computer Science Engineering in KIIT University in July, 2016. As a birding enthusiast, it became necessary for me to continue birding and photography, in spite of the change of surroundings and atmosphere. Since, now it’s…

  • List of Common Birds : Part 4

    List of Common Birds : Part 4

    Quick Recap : This is the fourth blog post which deals with the introduction of the birds whom we are most likely to come across. (Here are the previous links : Post 1 | Post 2 | Post 3). Since, this is the last post dealing with this topic, I have selected some slightly less…

  • Basics of Birding : Families and activity

    Basics of Birding : Families and activity

    The previous post dealt with basics of birding which focused more on approaching birds and identifying them. This post emphasises on bird activity and co-existence. To understand birds, we must know their classifications and their respective characteristics. Families :   Different families of birds are categorized on basis of their habits, structure, etc. Some of…

  • Basics of Birding : How to start

    Basics of Birding : How to start

    What is birding? Birding (or bird-watching) is usually defined as the recreational hobby of observing wild birds and their activity in their natural habitat. This does not require any special talent or skill.  All one needs is to develop an affectionate feeling for birds and a strong desire to learn more about their activity. If…